People change - growing up

9 important questions on People change - growing up

What are the stages of life

Those stages are: baby, toddler, pre-schooler,  school age child, teenager, adolescent, adult and elderly person

What is puberty

The transition from child to adult

What is a physical development

Your body change, you become taller and heavier, for instance
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What controls the growth of your body, after the nursing period

The growth hormone

What controls the growth of your body, after the nursing period

The growth hormone

What is a cell division

Two cellls develop from each other

Where are the cartilage cells located in

In the growth plates

What is an pituitary gland

A tiny organ at the base of the brain. This glands produces the hormone that ensures growth and the hormones that mark the onset of puberty

What is a growth spurt

You grow very fast durng a certain period of time

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