Neurobiological research - Ethics and alternatives

8 important questions on Neurobiological research - Ethics and alternatives

What is the difference between inbred mice and outbred mice?

Inbred mice have a low genetic variation which is nice for research were animals are needed with the same type of genetic/behavior/environment and less animals are needed to prove or disapprove a hypothesis. While outbred mice have a high genetic variation what you can use when a study needs to be more like a human population, but more animals are needed during the research.

Which test can be done for basic motor and sensory function?

The Home-cage test can be performed, activity where the mouse is studies in their own cage.

Which test can be performed for learning and memory?

-  Morris water maze
- Object recognition test.
- Fear conditioning.
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Which test can be performed for social behavior?

- Social interaction/preference
- Sexual behavior

Which test can be performed for anxiety and depression like behaviors?

- Forces swim test
- Tail suspension test.

Where is the Morris Water Mace used for and how does it work?

This behavior test is used study learning and memory, animals need to learn location of a platform which is spatial navigation. When the brain of the mouse is impaired (such as in Alzheimer disease) it takes longer to eventually find the platform in the milky water.

What is a home-cage environment?

Then the studies that are done on mice are done in their own environments which reduces stress.

What are the important 3 Rs of animal research?

1. Look if you can reduce the number of animals used.
2. Refine tests to cause animal less stress.
3. Replace animal studies with other methods (cell culture, culture organoids)

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