Brain morphology - Frontal cortex

3 important questions on Brain morphology - Frontal cortex

What is the difference in function between the right en the left hemispheres?

Left: language, math and logical thinking
Right: recognition face non-verbal thinking

What is the correlation between number of neurons and neuronal control?

When there is a lot of neuronal control needed, for instance in the face or fingers, the surface area of the neurons is much larger then when there is less neuronal controle needed.

How do the function of the Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area each relate to the activity of the surrounding cortex?

The Wernicke’s area is located in the temporal lobe, Within the auditory cortex, so when they hear someone speak, they can’t process what they’re saying. And the broca’s area is located in the frontal lobe, which also controls skeletal muscles. When that’s damages the people can’t speak.

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