Neurobiological research - Different models of bevioral research

4 important questions on Neurobiological research - Different models of bevioral research

Why is the invertebrate model organism handy when studying neurobiology?

  • 60% if the genome is homologous to humans.
  • It has extensive genetic toolkit and don’t have to develop it costs.
  • Low maintenance cost
  • Brief generation time, in 21 days they are adults.

What are the downsides the invertebrate model?

60% is still far from humans so difficult to compare, and because of this a lot of animals are needed.

What are the test that proves that fruit flies have memory?

1. Olfactory operant conditioning: remember being shocked.
2. Courtship conditioning test: remember being rejected.
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What are some research examples using mammals?

  • Investigating learning and memory processes.
  • Looking at the effect on drugs on the organism
  • Models for human diseases: ob-ob mice, APP/PS1 mice and EAE mice.

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