Nerve impuls/action potential

5 important questions on Nerve impuls/action potential

How are signals transferred via the axonal bouton?

Signals are transferred via the axonal bouton through a process called neurotransmission. When an electrical signal, also known as an action potential, reaches the axonal bouton, it triggers the release of chemical messengers called neurotransmitters from synaptic vesicles. These neurotransmitters then travel across the synapse and bind to receptors on the receiving neuron, causing a new electrical signal to be generated. This process allows for communication between neurons and is essential for the functioning of the nervous system.

Where is the nerve impulse (action potential) initiated?

It is initiated in the axon hillock and it’s a all or nothing phenomenon, if the signal reaches the threshold it will happen but if it doesn’t reach the threshold nothing will happen.

How does a nervous impulse develop?

It starts with synaptic input into a neuron, this starts a depolarization process, and the voltage becomes less. When the threshold of -55 mV is reached the sodium channels will open up and the depolarizations will progress to a voltage of around 30 mV, there the channels will open up and the potassium will flow out of the cell. Therefore, a repolarization process starts which will drop the mV again to a negative charge. This will be below -70 mV but the neuron will hyperpolarize and recovers it’s self again
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What is the difference in sodium and potassium concentration inside and outside the cell?

Outside the cell there is a high sodium and high low level of potassium but inside the cell there is a low sodium level but a high potassium level. To maintain the potential difference, so the nerve impulse can be produced. 

What triggers the release of vesicles with neurotransmitters in the presynaptic neuron?

The influx of Ca2+

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