L3 Chemical synapse

9 important questions on L3 Chemical synapse

Which synaps metabolic costs more enegery? Electrical or chemical?

Chemical, also has more mitochondria

Name two calcium receptors on the neurotransmitter vesicles in the presynaps


Which limiting factors are needed to have a quick response?

availability of releasable vesicles (readily releasable pool)

in the second picture on left: synapses that show a high probability at the first event (A1) are not able to facilitate the second fusion very well, but do release vesicles in a fast fashion.

the vesicles with low probability show a higher facilitation after the second pulse.
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Information flow across the chemical synapse is .......... . The neuron whose ......... release neurotransmitters is named the ......... neuron.

axonal boutons

What is and what is not observed in chemical synapse?

mitochondria (more than in electrical synaps)
electron rich post-synaptic density
voltage gated calcium channels

Not Observed:
Connexins (part of gap junctions)

Which of the following are NOT a feature of communication across chemical synapses?
1. Presynaptic neuron includes an active zone
2. Synaptic communication without a delay
3. Transmitter release of calcium independent
4. Transmitter release is temperature insensitive
5. Synaptic communication involves only one type of neurotransmitter across any given chemical synapse

2, 3, 4, 5 -> are not features of communication across chemical synapses

1 -> is a feature of communication across chemical synapses

All chemical neurotransmission is mediated by vesicular release, true or false?

besides vesicular neurotransmitters (cell-impermeant molecules) there is also cell-permeant and cell-associated molecule neurotransmitters.

Which of the following is not a criterion used to classify neurotransmitters?

1. The substance must be present within the presynaptic neuron
2. The substance must be packaged in vesicles
3. The substance must be released in response to presynaptic depolarisation
4. The substance should activate postsynaptic receptors

2 -> is not a criterion to classify neurotransmitters
1, 3, 4 -> are criterion to classify neurotranmitters

....... neurotransmitters are stored in ........... that appear ....... under the electron microscope.

Small molecules
small size vesicles

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