L9 Audition and Vision

5 important questions on L9 Audition and Vision

Which of the following about outer ear function is/are false?

1. Outer ears amplifies sound
2. Sound amplification by outer ear is not frequency specific
3. The amplification is solely a function of the ear canal
4. Outer ear enables directional hearing
5. Interaural disparity cues along with the spectrotemporal interring performed by the outer ear constitute the physical basis of sound localization

False: 2, 3

1. Outer ears amplifies sound

4. Outer ear enables directional hearing
5. Interaural disparity cues along with the spectrotemporal interring performed by the outer ear constitute the physical basis of sound localization

Jasmine looked at the forest in twilight and thought "the forest looks brighter than it did during lunch time". What receptors in Jasmine's retina are responsible for this percept?

The rods (is for brightness (contrast?))

What are some challenges in hearing?

  • Low energy signal (requires amplification)
  • real-time, one-shot listening (compare to vision)
  • Overlaid noise (e.g. Environmental noise)
  • Multiple sound sources (e.g. Cocktail party, crowd)
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In what two structures is the outer ear divided?

The outer ear is divided into the Pinna and External auditory meatus (external canal)

Pinna is only found in terrestrial mammals (and owls). It is cartilaginous with characteristic ridges and grooves. Complex structure and species specific. Mobile in many mammals not so in primates. Functions as a frequency  dependent directional receiver (acoustic antenna).

Thanks to which mechanism do we hear sound 44x louder than it actually is?

The gain modulation in the middle ear.
Total gain (under ideal conditions) of middle ear is the product of the hydraulic and lever actions of all components.

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