L1 Types and classification of neurons in the NS

7 important questions on L1 Types and classification of neurons in the NS

How can neurons be classified?

Actually there is not a single way to classify neurons. Therefore we do not know how many different kinds of neurons are there in the brain.

But not every neuron is the same.
Basic features commonly used for neuronal classification:
  • morphological features (studied by filling neuron with biocytin)
  • Biochemical markers expression
  • active and passive electrical characteristics

What are the three major compartments of a neuron?

Soma, Dendrites, axon

What does bouton distribution reveal?

Whether region is transversed or innervated.

Neurons can establish 1000s of boutons in a layer specific distribution
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Some axonal projection patterns are:

  • Total axonal length (micrometer)
  • Number of branching points (n)
  • Number of endings (n)
  • Branching pattern (Sholl analysis)

  • Total No. Of boutons (n)
  • Bouton density (n/100 micrometer)
  • Layer specific bouton distribution

For which type of neuron classification is Biochemical markers specifically used?

Inhibitory neurons only.
(excitatory neurons typically express layer (i.e. Laminae) specific proteins)

Three passive intrinsic electrical characteristics of neurons are?

Resting membrane potential
Membrane resistance
membrane time constant

What are some active electrical characteristics of neurons?

Action potential, timing, interval

Rate of adaption upon sustained current injection

Membrane potential at which action potential is generated

Amplitude of sub threshold responses (e.g. After hyperpolarization)

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