Symptom validity

7 important questions on Symptom validity

Reasons for invalid data

  • social desirability (faking good)
  • Faking (bad)
  • rondom responding (carelessness)
  • acquiescence (yes-saying)
  • opposition (no saying)
  • positional (extremities or mid-point)

Assessment of symptom validity

  • Can be tested with inconsistency in answers
  • using specific trick questions
    - rare symptoms that are infrequent or rarely endorsed
    - symptom combination that are seldom observed
    - symptom severity, symptoms are often not unbearable
    - overly specific symptoms

Scaling of items in assessment of symptom validity

  • reverse items to avoid tendency to score always right or left
  • use even number of response alternatives to avoid endorsement of middle
  • change scaling across items in long batteries of questionnaires
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Assessment of performance validity (PVT)

  • embedded and derived PVT's
    - Based on pre-existing standard measure of cognition. (WAIS, RCFT,RAVLT etc.)
  • stand-alone PVT's
    - developed specifically to assess noncredible performance (Test of memory malingering TOMM, etc. )

Symptom and performance validity assessment interpretation of test results.

- Common misconceptions
  • SVTs/PVTs do not contribute to diagnostic process of disorder at question
  • SVTs/PVTs do not tell whether somebody is feigning
  • do not accuse an individual of feigning based on SVTs/PVTs failing
  • do not make dexisions based on one measure

- Interpretation of SVTs/PVTs
  • SVTs/PVTs indicate whether performance in credible or noncredible
  • SVTs/PVTs indicate whether routine clinical measures are valid
  • there are many reasons to fail SVTs/PVTs, feigning is only one of them

When failing SVTs/PVTs: phase one

  1. establish effective working relationship with client
  2. establish and clarify expectations
  3. Obtain informed consent, incl. consequences of poor effort
  4. ask about prior exposure to neurospychological tests
  5. decide whether to use SVTs/PVTs to which examinee was previously exposed

When failing SVTs/PVTs: Phase two

  1. complete or quit testing when evidence of invalid performance is encountered
  2. explore patient willingness to acknowledge poor or inconsistent effort
  3. note if there is a lack of acknowledgement of poor effort
  4. schedule feedback session separate from that of the test administration

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