Somatosensory Pathways - Spinal Cord Syndromes

5 important questions on Somatosensory Pathways - Spinal Cord Syndromes

Transverse cord lesion (whole slice)?

all sensory and motor pathways interrupted below lesion, due to trauma MS or tumor

Hemicord Lesion (Brown-Sequard --> one half)?

lateral corticospinal tract damage --> ipsilateral UMN damage, epicritic sense loss.
Anterolateral disruption --> contralateral pain & temp (protopathic)

Central Cord Syndrome?

Small lesion: damage to spiniothalamic fibers crossing causes bilateral regions to be in pain & temp difference.
Large lesion: anterior horns damaged --> lower motor neuron deficits. Corticpspinal tracts affected, causing UMN deficits. Whole body (except for face and genitals) sensory and motor deficit.
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Posterior Cord Syndrome?

Loss of vibration and position below lesion, when larger also UMN deficits.

Anterior Cord Syndrome?

loss of pain & temp below lesion. When larger --> UMN. In continence due to descending pathways controlling sphincter.

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