Vision: The Eye - Retinal Circuits for Detecting Luminance Change

6 important questions on Vision: The Eye - Retinal Circuits for Detecting Luminance Change

When do on-center and off-center ganglion cells discharge?

1. On-center ganglion cells discharge when the center of the receptive field is exposed to light
2. Off-center ganglion cells discharge when the surround is exposed to light

Glutamate has opposing effects on off-center and on-center ganglion cells. Explain these effects.

Glutamate causes inhibition of the on-center bipolar cells and cause excitation of the off-center bipolar cells

What is the difference between sign-conserving and sign-inverting synapses?

Sign-conserving synapses means that the change in membrane potential is in both positive or both negative (+). Sign-inverting means opposite changes in membrane potential (-)
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How do ganglion cells sense difference in illumination?

They sense the difference of illumination that falls on the center of the receptive field and on the surround of the receptive field (luminance contrast)

Light intensity is an important determinant for firing rate but what other factor plays a key role in discharge rate?

Background illumination. It is the difference between background and center that determines firing rate.

Ganglion cells have a narrow range of firing rates. How is it possible to discriminate such a variety of light intensities?

Because of lateral inhibition of the horizontal cells.

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