The Vestibular System - Damage to Descending Motor Pathways: The Upper Motor Neuron Syndrome

4 important questions on The Vestibular System - Damage to Descending Motor Pathways: The Upper Motor Neuron Syndrome

Damage to descending motor pathways results often in deficits of muscles on the contralateral side and lower face. Why is control often preserved?

Because pathways from the brainstem control this. Or the bilateral arrangement of the corticaspinal tract. Fig 17.9

What is the plausible explanation of spasticity?

Damage of the cortex can result in the removal inhibitory influences normally exerted by the cortex.

What is the Babinski sign?

After damage to upper motor neurons the striking of the foot causes an extension  (dorsalflexion) of the toes. Normally they would plantair flex.
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What is decerebrate rigidity?

Tracts from the vestibular nuclei and reticular formation are intact and have a excitatory effect on stretch reflexes. The inhibitory influence from the cortex is removed, so increased tonus is the result.

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