Modulation of Movement by the Basal Ganglia - Projections to the Basal Ganglia

7 important questions on Modulation of Movement by the Basal Ganglia - Projections to the Basal Ganglia

Which structures act as an input zone for the basal ganglia?

The caudate and putamen

Which structures act as an output zone?

The pallidum, including the globus pallidus and substantia nigra pars reticulata

Which structure acts as the largest source of input for the basal ganglia?

The cortex
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What sources of input reach the caudate?

Multimodal association cortices, and motor areas controlling eye movement

What source reach the putamen?

Input from primary and secondary somatic sensory cortices, ...

What are medium spiny neurons?

A class of cells located in the corpus striatum. They have large dendritic trees which allow them to integrate a variaty of different inputs/cells.

When fire neurons in the caudate and putamen?

These cells encode the decision to move toward a goal rather than direction and amplitude of a movement.
Neurons in the caudate tend to discharge in anticipation of limb and trunk movement.
Neurons in the putatmen fire prior to eye movement.

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