The Somatic Sensory System: Touch and Proprioception - Mechanoreceptors Specialized for Proprioception

5 important questions on The Somatic Sensory System: Touch and Proprioception - Mechanoreceptors Specialized for Proprioception

Name 3 mechanoreceptors which are important for proprioception

Muscle spindel, Golgi tendon organ and joint receptors.

Intrafusal muscle fibers (part of muscle spindle) give rise to Ia afferents and group II afferents. What is the difference between these two types of afferents?

Ia adapt rapidly to changes in muscle length and transmit information about limb dynamics (velocity, direction). II afferents produce sustained responses after stimulation and provide information about the static position of limbs.

What is the function of gamma motor neurons?

Adapts the sensitivity of the responses of the muscle spindles after stretchting of a muscle.
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What is the function of the Golgi tendon organ?

To detect changes in muscle tension.

What is the role of joint receptors?

The play a protective role in signaling positions that lie near the limits of range of motion.

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