The Vestibular System - Motor Control Centers in the Brainstem: Upper Motor Neurons That Maintain Balance, Govern Posture, and Orient Gaze
6 important questions on The Vestibular System - Motor Control Centers in the Brainstem: Upper Motor Neurons That Maintain Balance, Govern Posture, and Orient Gaze
Where are the upper motor neurons located that govern maintenance of posture, balance and orienting gaze?
There are 2 different routes from the vestibular nuclei to the spinal cord. Name them. What information do they carry?
What is the function of the reticular formation with respect to maintenance of posture?
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What is the cortico-reticulospinal pathway?
What is the difference between the indirect and direct pathway from motor cortex to spinal cord?
What is the function of the superior colliculus (located in the brainstem) on controlling posture? Which pathway is involved?
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