The Vestibular System - The Corticospinal and Corticobulbar Pathways: Projections from Upper Motor Neurons That Initiate Complex Voluntary Movements

4 important questions on The Vestibular System - The Corticospinal and Corticobulbar Pathways: Projections from Upper Motor Neurons That Initiate Complex Voluntary Movements

Where do the corticobulbar tract and corticospinal tract arise and terminate?

These tracts both arise from the primary motor cortex. The corticobulbar tract terminates in the brainstem and the corticospinal tract terminates in the spinal cord.

In which cortical layer are the Betz-cells located?

5th. Together with the non-Betz pyramidal neurons

The corticospinal tract branches on her way to the spinal cord at different levels. Where does the majority of axons cross the midline, and what name has this pathway from there? Where do the remaining axons synaps, and what is this pathway called? What functions do both pathways have?

90% of the corticospinal tract crosses the midline at the medulla. From here the tract is called the lateral corticospinal tract. This tract terminates in the lateral portions of the ventral horn, and is thus responsible for the musclature of the distal extremities.
The remaining axons terminate bilaterally in the medial portions of the ventral horn. This tract is called the ventral corticospinal tract
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The pathways from the cortex not only terminate in the ventral horn but also in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. What information enters the dorsal horn?

Proprioceptive information that is relevant for monitoring bodily movements.

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