The Vestibular System - Throwing Cold Water on The Vestibular System

4 important questions on The Vestibular System - Throwing Cold Water on The Vestibular System

EN-USWhat happens with the firing rate of both vestibular nerves when the head is rotating to the left?

EN-USThe left vestibular nerve increases his firing rate and the firing rate of the right vestibular nerve decreases.

EN-USWhat causes the ‘countermovement’ of the eyes when the head is turning?

EN-USBoth vestibular nerves firing at a different rate. This difference causes movement of the eyes counter to the turning motion. It causes a rapid eye movement (saccade) in the direction the head is turning and a slow movement of the eye (nystagmus) in opposite direction.

EN-USWhat happens to the eyes if you put cold water in the vestibular system?

EN-USThe cold water causes a decrease in firing rate of the vestibular nerve. This causes the eyes to counter the movement by nystagmus and a fast movement component of the eyes in the direction which the head is turning.

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What ocular reflexes are present and absent in unconscious patients?

EN-USSlow eye movements are still present but the fast ones not anymore.

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