Evolution of the brain and synapse

10 important questions on Evolution of the brain and synapse

What is the difference between ortholog, paralog and homolog?

Homologs are genes or proteins that share a common ancestor.
Orthologs are genes or proteins that share a common function in difference species.
Paralogs are multiple variants of a similar protein or gene within one species.

What is important to know about species that had a protosynapse?

These species already had some proteins that are involved in synapse functions.

What were the new protosynapse genes in choanoflgellata?

Cadherins & catenins (cell adhesion) and tyrosine kinase receptors (response to external stimuli).
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Demospongiae still had no NS, but some new protosynapse genes were present. Which?

  • Neurexin
  • GABA receptors
  • Metabotropic glutamate receptors
  • Ca/calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CaMKII)

What were the proteins that marked the first NS?

Neuroligin and glutamate receptors (AMPA & NMDA)

What are characteristics of the basic nerve system: the nerve net?

Mediates contraction but there is no directed movement.

What was important about the development of the nerve ring?

Directed movement was developed.

There are two lines present in the brain/body weight relation of vertebrae. Why is this?

The brain consumes a lot of energy and animals with a slow metabolism cannot afford a big brain.

What can you say about the difference in visual cortex between diurnal and nocturnal animals?

The visual cortex in nocturnal animals is relatively large, this is to be able to detect details in the sparse light conditions.

What are the 'explanations' for a complex human brain?

  • We have a large brain with a large amount of grey matter with:
    • Many synapses per neuron
    • Many interneurons (GABA/catecholamines)
    • Large density in neuronal subtype
    • Low density in neurons

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