Neuron-glia plasticity

8 important questions on Neuron-glia plasticity

Which glial cells can regulate neuronal plasticity?

  • Schwann cells (CNS)
  • Oligodendrocytes (CNS)
  • Astrocytes (CNS)
  • Microglia (CNS)

What is true about myelin plasticity?

  • Myelination continues into adulthood
  • Learning increases myelination
  • Action potentials induce myelination

How can myelin fine-tine the velocity of action potentials?

By changing:
  • Thickness/compaction of myelin (changing electric isolation)
  • Length between nodes (internodes)
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Which signal determines myelin thickness during development?

NRG1 type III

What are two pathways that are activated by NRG1 type III?

NRG1 type III activates the Erb2-Erb3 dimer. This giver many pathways, among others:
  • RAS: RAF: proliferation of Schwann cells
  • P13K: AKT: differentiation and myelination

What is Botulinum toxin (BnTx)?

BnTx cleaves SNAP-25, therefore vesicles cannot fuse anymore and action potentials are not propagated. Action potentials induce myelination, so less action potentials means less myelination.

What is the difference between intrinsic and adaptive myelination?

Intrinsic is during development, independent of axonal activity.
Adaptive is myelin plasticity, depends on axonal activity and learning.

What is special about astrocytes (neuron-glia interactions)?

Astrocytes is in contact with the synaptic cleft and has receptors for many neurotransmitters so it can respond to neuronal activity (but very slow). It also communicates with other astrocytes via the calcium wave.

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