The new rules - Life is negotiation

6 important questions on The new rules - Life is negotiation

To what expression of a simple, animalistic urge does the majority of interactions boil down?

The animalistic urge: i want

What two vital life functions does negotiation serve?

  1. Information gathering
  2. Behavior influencing 

What area's of your life will at some point hinge on your ability to negotiate?

Name abbreviation of the 5 first.

  1. Career
  2. Finances
  3. Reputation
  4. Love life
  5. Fate of your kids    
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What is the first step to achieving mastery of daily negotiation?

Get over your aversion to negotiating

What three things do you have to learn to make use of to connect better with others, influence them, and achieve more?

To use your emotions, instincts and insights

Why has a hostage negotiater play a unique role?

He has to win

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