Be a mirror - Calm the schizophrenic

6 important questions on Be a mirror - Calm the schizophrenic

Why do they need a whole team to hear someone out?

It's not easy to listen well

What is the result of approaching a negotiation so preoccupied by arguments that support your own position?

You are unable to listen attentively

We are easily overwhelmed.

How much pieces of information does George A. Miller say we can process?

7 pieces
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Some people see negotiation as a battle of arguments. Why does Chriss mention this as a state of schizophrenia?

Give answer in two steps.

1 ) Because everyone is just listening to the voice in their heads so 2) it looks like there are two people in the conversation, but actually it's more like four people all talking at once

What does Chris make his sole focus? And how does he call it?

1) The other person and what they have to say by
2) true active listening

What are the two goals in the beginning of the negotiation?

1) Identify needs and
2) Get them to feel safe enough to talk and talk and talk

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