Be a mirror - Key lessons

12 important questions on Be a mirror - Key lessons

Who do you think of as the greatest negotiator of all time?

Oprah Winfrey

What is Oprahs refined set of powerful skills?

Name three.

  1. A conscious smile
  2. Tactical Emphaty
  3. Downward inflection in voice

Key lesson 1:

What is a great negotiators aim?

To use skills to reveal surprises that are certain to find
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Key lesson 2:

What does a negotiator absolutely not commit to? And what does he do instead?

1) Commit into assumptions
2) Instead view them as hypotheses and use negotiation to test them rigorously

Key lesson 3:

Negotiation is not an act of battle, but what is it?

A process of discovery, uncover as much information as possible

Key lesson 4:

What do you have to do to quiet the voices in your head?

Make your sole focus the other person and what they have to say

This voice you use selectively to make a point. You also create an aura of authority without triggering defensiveness.

  Which voice is it?

The Late-Night DJ FM voice

How do you do the Late-Night DJ FM voice?

Inflect your voice downward, keep it calm an slow

This voice you use all the time in negotiation.

Which one?

The positive/playful voice

Which voice should you use very rarely, because it will cause problems and create pushback?

The direct / assertive voice

In what way do you conduct a simple mirror that works like magic?

Repeat the last three words or critical ones

What do mirrors encourage the other side to do?

Name 3.

Bond with you
Keep talking
Reveal their strategy

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