Be a mirror - The voice

10 important questions on Be a mirror - The voice

People focus on what to do or what to say.

But what is the most effective mode of influence and why should you use it?

How you are, because it's easy to enact

What three voices are available in negotiation?

  1. The late-nigth FM DJ voice
  2. Positive/playful voice
  3. Direct/assertive voice  

Why shouldn't you use the assertive voice?

It is like slapping yourself. People will push back because you're signaling dominance
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What attitude goes with the positive/playful voice?

A light and encouraging attitude

What is key with the positive/playful voice?

To relax and smile while talking

What happens when people are in a positive frame of mind?

They think more quickly and are more likely to collaborate

Name a situation to use the Late-night FM DJ voice in contract negotiation?

When an item isn't up for discussion

How do you bring a straightforward declaration?

Plain, simple and friendly, without and alternative

Your can be very direct and to the point, as long you create safety by tone of voice.

What should your tone of voice have as a message?

I'm okay, you are okay, let's figure things out

What do you convey with talking slowly in the Late-night DJ FM voice?

I'm in control

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