Foreign Direct Investment - Management Issues and Foreign Direct Investment

7 important questions on Foreign Direct Investment - Management Issues and Foreign Direct Investment

What issues influence FDI?

- Control
- Purchase or build decision
- Production Costs
- Customer knowledge
- Following clients
- Following rivals

Why is control a (seemingly) important driver of FDI?

Companies assume a majority stakehold will give them control. Governments can however impose certain rules that challenge this control.

What is rationalized production?

System of production in which each of a product's components is produced where the cost of that components is lowest.
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What is the Mexican Maquiladora?

A border stretch between the US and Mexico that comprises a special economic region.

Why could customer knowledge be a driver of FDI?

A local presence can help companies gain valuable knowledge about customers that could not be obtained from the home market.

Why would a company follow its client with an FDI decision?

Companies cluster within close geographic proximity because they supply each others inputs.

Why would companies follow a rival with an FDI decision?

with the 'follow the leader' principle, companies believe they might be shut out of if they don't follow the industry leader.

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