Online trust in peers and experts

7 important questions on Online trust in peers and experts

Why is strategic online communication similar to PR and not marketing?

PR rules apply (not marketing rules: don’t lead the discussion but follow the discussion, don’t build a brand but protect).

What are the basic elements of an online review (object, valence, source) and their (interaction) effects?

Basic elements:
Independent variables: valence, object, source, pre- vs post review.
Dependent variables: attitude, awareness about brand and consideration (would you go there).
Effects of hotel example:
-All reviews – positive or negative – make consumers more aware of the reviewed hotel’s existence. Even though negative reviews lower consumer attitudes toward the reviewed hotels, enhanced hotel awareness compensates for this effect, yielding a near neutral net effect on consideration.

Why is (sometimes) expertise not persuasive?

Low trustworthiness of experts.
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The uninvited brand (Fournier & Avery): how to adapt to a "hostile" (vijandig) environment for corporations?

-Act like a normal person
-Alternative: find ambassadors like influencers, who disseminate your message.

What's the difference between WOM and eWOM?

WOM=private (friend, family) is often negative -> word-to-mouth. It's often temporary.

eWOM=public and permanent: number 1 marketing instrument. Good example: Trump.

Why low trustworthiness?

-High social distance
-Persuasive intent (knowledge bias, reporting bias)

Does an expert have more "persuasive intent"?

No they often don't have more influence than lay people (leken).

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