The age of the platform
7 important questions on The age of the platform
How did platforms (like Google & Facebook) become so central?
-Economy of likes
-Search behavior
-Facebook's Social Plugins: do not only enable a social web, but also partake in multiple dynamics of data mining and circulation.
Why do some platforms grow huge, while others fail?
-Structural holes
-Network effect: how to become a (near) monopolist
-Open graph
-Herding (samenhouden): richt get richer, virals, long tails.
What are six degrees of Obama being close to us?
2. We are elite people (high educated)
3. We meet a lot of people
4. Obama meets a lot of people
5. We attend the VU
6. The people that meet the people that Obama meets meet a lot people.
- Higher grades + faster learning
- Never study anything twice
- 100% sure, 100% understanding
Why is BBC on Google's top search results?
What's Google's business model?
-Since AdSense: Google is an add broker. So they dominate online ad market.
-AdWords: term-related ads are placed on websites: personalised, content-related.
-AdWords/AdSense: based on click through and exposure, google analytics is a supporting tool, personalised adds.
What are the steps in a information cascade?
2. Sequential (als gevolg) decision making: choices are not made at the same time, previous choices inform later choices.
3. Social decision making: the outcomes of choices in informed and/or affected by the choices of others.
4. Decision making.
What are direct-benefit effects? (Easley & Kleinberg, 2011)
The question on the page originate from the summary of the following study material:
- A unique study and practice tool
- Never study anything twice again
- Get the grades you hope for
- 100% sure, 100% understanding