Social groups and social media
7 important questions on Social groups and social media
What are characteristics of stereotypes?
Useful generalizations to organize information cognitively
• mental models
• heuristics
Not inherently evil
The are dangerous when they:
- oversimplify a social group
- distort generalizations in a negative direction
What are the two main categories of studies of minorities?
Studies of minorities in media fall under two main categories:
- Descriptions of minority portrayals (minderheidsportretten)
- Their effects on audiences
What are the three methods to describe minority characteristics?
1) Counting characters of various races
2) Assessing (beoordelen) character significance
3) Assessing similarities, differences, and interactions
between different races
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What are minority portrays?
For example: Moroccan Dutch overrepresented in criminal reports and in US: Latin = lover, African Americans = poor, criminals.
What is the Socially Mediated Stereotyping Model (SMSM)? (Dixon 2017)
2. Social utility will moderate the effects of social media on stereotyping via selective exposure.
What are the 3 SMSM-predicted social media groups?
2. Stereotyping confirmer group: members of this group will perceive their identity as being under assault (aanval)
3. Anti-sterotype activist group: will see there role as utilising digital media tools to break down stereotypes.
What are examples of interventions?
- Negation strategies: “It refers to an internal attempt to negate the encoded information (i.e.,‘‘No! This is not true!’’). Recent psychological basic research shows that negation during reception of biased information (and not later) can reduce a treatment’s impact on an implicit measure”.
- Representations in entertainment media and in news media
- Parasocial contact hypothesis
- Do social media provide improved opportunities for intergroup contact?
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