Fake News

11 important questions on Fake News

What kind of agendasetting plays a role in fake news?

1.First level: level of coverage per issue and salience of specific topic (US economy, Donald Trump).
2.Intermedia: news media follow other news media in setting the agenda.
3.Network Agenda-Setting (NAS) model: contextual relationships between issues.

Why should people create fake accounts? (Ferrari)

-Fun, entertainment
-Political activism
-Stimulate ASK activism (activism in the non-virtual world, you can be an activist online, but they wanted to stimulate people to get away from this and participate in the non-virtual).

Who are satirists? (Ferrari)

-mostly male
-politically left-wing
-relatively upper-class: like studente activists, party organizers and non-governmental organizations
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Why do people spread fake news online (Qiu et al.)?

-Low quality fake news (obvious nonsense) vs higher quality fake news (could be true)
-Low quality fake news equally likely to be shared

Motivations for sharing:
1. information overlead
2. limited attention

What are the conclusions of providing information on complex topics (Becker and Bode)?

-Satiric news and regular news increase knowledge
-Regular news increases issue importance vs. satire
-No effects on issue difficulty

What are the conclusions of fact-checkers and fake-news? (Vargo)

-Relatively little autonomous
-Relatively little influence on news agenda other media
-Decrease over time
Fake news:
-Mostly connected to partisan (partijdig) media
-To a lesser degree: also, to emerging media
-Divergence in topics (not just connected to a set list of topics)

What are the 3 reasons of satire for good?

1. Providing information on complex topics (Becker & Bode)
2. Holding media accountable
3. Stimulating online activism

In which ways does satire holds media accountable (verantwoordelijk)?

1. Pointing out falsehoods
2. Pointing out when inconsequential news is blown out of proportion
3. Point out inconsistencies
4. Critiquing the very nature of regular news.

What are the findings from the article of Becker & Rode?

For the particular case they studied:
-Comedy is not superior to news in terms of promoting increased knowledge gain or learning.
-Comedy does not encourage viewers to see the issue debate as more important. Instead: being exposed to straight news amplifies perceptions of net neutrality issue importance.
-It is doing as much as news to inform citizens on the net neutrality debate.

What are the findings of the article of Ferrari?

  • Most of the satirists interviewed here consider satire as a form of activism and even those who do not, still recognize the subversive nature of satire.
  • A majority of the interviewees have complex biographies of activism that predate the creation of the fake accounts (humorous social media accounts that satirize a politician or a political organization through impersonation).
  • The fake accounts have also provided new possibilities to engage in activism away from- keyboard.

What is the main focus in the article of Vargo et al.?

We focus in this study on different media outlets' network issue agenda: how different media organizations associate various issues to party the social reality and how those issue networks transfer between different media agendas. Research about:
1. Fake news
2. Partisan media and fake news
3. Fact checking

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