Lies and conspiracies
5 important questions on Lies and conspiracies
What it different groups only talk to each other?
What are conspiracy beliefs?
Conspiracy theories: suspicions that real or anticipated threats to the social order were intentionally and executed by a secret conspiracy of evil individuals or groups (there's another out there to get to you, to harm you, to threaten your life.) The enemy is not always a foreign enemy, but also inside like powerful institutions. Example: 9/11: people were saying bush did it instead of Al Qaida.
What is the central point of a conspiracy?
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What are examples of different beliefs in conspiracy?
-Right-wing political attitudes are driven by fear and uncertainly. Fearful, closedminded, outgrip derogatory (denigrerend) and prejudiced (bevooroordeeld),
-People who are more centrist put themselves in the middle.
-Difference between right and left orientated people
-People who're more centrist put themselves in the middle.
For a source to be labeled as junk news, it must fall in at least 3 of 5 domains. What are these 5 domains? (article 1)
2. Style: using emotionally driven language and expressions, misleading headlines and usafe generalisations.
3. Credibility: sources are often untrustworthy and their standarts of news production lack credibility.
4. Bias: reporting in these outlets is highly biased (partijdig) and ideologically skewed.
5. Counterfeit (namaak): these articles mimic professional news media: they counterfeit fonts, branding and stylistic contents strategies. So a certain new stone with bylines, date, time and location stamps.
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