Smartphones & happiness: mediated social comparison, social support and self-presentation

3 important questions on Smartphones & happiness: mediated social comparison, social support and self-presentation

What is (subjective) well-being?

  • Health (physical well-being)
  • Personal growth and accomplishment (psychological well-being)
  • Happiness (subjective well-being, SWB)
    - Presence of positive emotion,
    - Absence of negative emotion.
    - Self-esteem
    - Life satisfaction
    - (Absenc eof) loneliness
    - (Absence of) depression

Are social network sites bad for well-being?

More SNS use → more social support → less stress, more SWB
o Gaining rewards requires active engagement.

Why is social comparison different online?

  • Because our social networks are bigger online than offline, there are more online resources to access
  • Knowledge is distributed across networks
  • Practical or emotional support from both strong and weak ties

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