The Origin of the Ocean - Life Probably Originated in the Ocean

5 important questions on The Origin of the Ocean - Life Probably Originated in the Ocean

Where did most carbon compounds in water come from?

There is a growing idea that carbon-containing materials, also called 'organic', in these compounds were transported to the Earth by the comets, asteroids, meteors and interplanetary dust particles that crashed into our Earth during its birth.

What is the difference between an asteroid and meteor?

An asteroid is a small rocky body that orbits the sun. A meteorite is a small piece of asteroid that breaks down if the asteroid clashes into another one. Then if the meteorite comes close enough to the Earth and enters its atmosphere, it vaporizes (partly) and turns into a meteor: a streak of light in the sky. It falls onto the Earth if not all the ice is vaporized. They are, however, not shooting stars.

What is the difference between a meteor and a comet?

Comets are made of ice and dust and orbit the sun. Ice vaporizes from the comet too when it comes closer to the Earth. Comets can be spotted from far, while meteors can only be spotted within the Earth.
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How were the building blocks for life (specific compounds) formed?

A mixture similar to the Earth's early atmosphere was exposed to light, heat and electrical sparked. Then, simple sugars and amino acids were produced, just like small proteins and nucleotides. It also explains the importance of water within life.

How long ago might life have begun?

The oldest fossils yet found, from North-western Australia, are between 3.4 - 3.5 billion years old. They are remnants of fairly complex bacteria like organisms, indicating that life must have originated even early: probably only a few hundred million years after a stable ocean was formed. More information can be found in rocks. Life is most likely formed in the ocean.

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