A History of Marine Science - Understanding the Ocean Began with Voyaging for Trade and Exploration - Seafaring Expanded Human Horizons
3 important questions on A History of Marine Science - Understanding the Ocean Began with Voyaging for Trade and Exploration - Seafaring Expanded Human Horizons
How did these risky voyages into unexplored territory come about?
Why was it so special that the Polynesians found Hawaií?
- Hawaii is the farthest away of all the colonized islands by the Polynesians.
- Moreover, its stars were completely unknown to the southern navigators
- The Hawaiian Islands are isolated in the northern Pacific.
- Also, Hawaii lies beyond the equatorial doldrums, a hot and often windless stretch across which these pioneers must somehow have paddled.
How did the Polynesians manage to navigate?
- The smell of water or its temperature
- Salinity of the water
- The colour of the water
- Stars
- The direction of the wind relevant to the sun
- Type of marine life clustering near the boat
- Sunrise and sunset colors
- Hue of the moon (everything seemed to have a meaning)
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