Earth Structure and Plate Tectonics - The Study of Earthquakes Provides Evidence for Layering

4 important questions on Earth Structure and Plate Tectonics - The Study of Earthquakes Provides Evidence for Layering

Can waves travel through the Earth's interior?

Yes, low frequency waves can. Forces that cause earthquakes generate low frequency waves (seismic waves). Some of these waves radiate through Earth, reflecting or bending as they travel and eventually reappear at the surface. The frequency and strength of the waves has given people information about the inside of the Earth.

What are surface waves?

This is one type of seismic wave. It moves along the Earth's surface. Like ocean waves, they ripple the free surface and can sometimes be seen as a wavelike motion in the ground. This type of waves causes most of the property damage suffered in an earthquake.

What are body waves?

These waves are less dramatic compared to surface waves. They are, however, very useful for analyzing Earth's inferior structure. P and S waves are examples of body waves.
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What is the Earth build out of?

Outside to inside:
- Crust
- Upper mantle
- Lower mantle
- Core-Mantle boundary region
- Outer core
- Inner core

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