Associations - Composition and Aggregation - Composition

5 important questions on Associations - Composition and Aggregation - Composition

We use composition to indicate a ....   relationship

We use composition to indicate a WHOLE-PART relationship

The multiplicity at the part end can be any legal value.
What do we allow in this figure?

The multiplicity at the part end can be any legal value.

We allow for two Covers because one would be the Front and other the Back, as we show in Fig. 10.24.

We also use separate composition relationships instead of the more common tree-like structure as we show in Fig. 10.25.

As a composition is a kind of an association, any of the role or association adornments can appear.

However, it is common not to ??

However, it is common not to name these compositions, but allow the reader to say:

A Book is composed of two Covers


A Book has two parts that are Covers


A Cover is a part of a Book

In these relationships, we technically can say that the AggregationKind = Composite.
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What is the AggregationKind in a regular association?

In a regular association, the AggregationKind = None.

What is the AggregationKind in a Composite relationship?

In the Compositie relationships, we technically can say that the AggregationKind = Composite.

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