What is an Activity Diagram? - Consuming Tokens - Multiple Forks

4 important questions on What is an Activity Diagram? - Consuming Tokens - Multiple Forks

Just as we can produce new tokens, we can consume tokens.

The notation is a matching fork, with
more inputs and only one output
How do we call this notation?

A Join Node

Number of Edges Entering or Leaving Per Type of Control Node

  1. Decision Node
  2. Merge Node
  3. Join Node
  4. Fork Node

                                                    In              Out
  1. Decision Node                1                   *
  2. Merge Node                    *                   1
  3. Join Node                        *                   1
  4. Fork Node                        1                   *

What happens when a token approaches a Join node?

When a token approaches a Join node, it waits until all the other edges that connect to the Join have their tokens populated.
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The number of Joined edges needs ...... Match the number of Forked edges, and the joined edges may come from different Forks.

The number of Joined edges needs not match the number of Forked edges, and the joined edges may come from different Forks.

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