Use Cases - Simplifying Use Cases - Owners

5 important questions on Use Cases - Simplifying Use Cases - Owners

Every element in UML must be owned by ......  other element.

Every element in UML must be owned by exactly one other element.

This also applies to the Use Case-related elements 

How can we show that a Use Case, Actor or Subject is owned by a package?

We can show that a Use Case, Actor, or Subject is owned by a package by placing the diagram element in a package

What do we do if the ownership of a use case is not clear?

We precede the name of the Use Case with the ownership path, e.g., OwningPackage: Use Case Name
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If we need to indicate that the class is the Owner, how do we show this?

if we need to indicate that the Class is the owner, we put the Use Case in a separate compartment

This is  an example of both  a SubjectClass and an OwningClass

  • In the Subject (on the left), the name of the Subject is in the upper left-hand corner.

  • In the Class (on the right), the Class name is centered and has a compartment separator.

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