The Organization of UML - Diagrams - Structure Diagrams

12 important questions on The Organization of UML - Diagrams - Structure Diagrams

What does the Structure Diagrams shows

The UML structure diagrams show the static structure of the elements of the system being modeled.

They depict those elements in a model independently of time

What depicts the Class Diagram?

The elements or concepts of the system being modeled

What depicts the Object Diagram?

Instance specifications (objects) of some the classes, to illustrate examples elements and their connections
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What depicts the Composite Diagram?

How the classes are assembled internally from other elements

What depicts the Component Diagram?

Deliverable elements in the working system and how they connect

What depicts the Deployment Diagram?

Architecture of the system’s nodes or platforms and what runs or installs on what

What depicts the Package Diagram?

How the model is partitioned and worked

What depicts the Profile Diagram?

Extensions and tailorings to UML for the current project

Structure Diagrams and what they show

The diagrams

What does the Structural Diagrams represent?

The represent the meaningful and useful concepts that may exist in the real-world, in the software or hardware implementations, or only in the abstract or in the imagination.

A structure diagram for a library system might include elements that represent: ... ?

For example:

a structure diagram for a library system might include elements that represent:
  • books
  • borrowings
  • due date algorithms
  • interlibrary loan (ILL) connections
  • patrons, and a credit authorization service for fines and fees.

Structure diagrams do not show the details of ....?

Structure diagrams do not show the details of dynamic behavior or of elements changing over time, which are reserved for the behavioral diagrams.

However, structure diagrams are not isolated; they may indicate which behaviors, found on behavior diagrams, are exhibited by the elements of the structure diagrams.

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