Behavior : State Machine Diagrams - Transitions - Events

5 important questions on Behavior : State Machine Diagrams - Transitions - Events

Where do we place the annotation of a event?

Usually the annotation is placed above the arrow

If more than one event may trigger the transitions, how do we write the events?

If more than one event may trigger the transition, the events are separated by commas.

An event in a State Machine Diagram is essentially the same as an event in an Activity Diagram.

It can be..

  • A signal arriving or an operation being called : that is  a message arriving in Sequence Diagram.

  • It can also be a timer expiring
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If the state machine is for a classifier, you should find any arriving signal in the ..........

If the state machine is for a classifier, you should find any arriving signal in the classifier’s RECEPTIONS compartment (or in an inherited receptions compartment).

Similarly, an operation being called would be in the operations compartment (or in an inherited operations compartment).

A special reserved trigger, “all,” matches any received event, whether operation or signal, that the object is prepared for. 

When the arriving event conveys ....... , specific values may be shown in the ....... list as done in Sequence Diagrams

When the arriving event conveys arguments, specific values may be shown in the argument list as done in Sequence Diagrams

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