Use Cases - Simplifying Use Cases - Use Case Diagrams

6 important questions on Use Cases - Simplifying Use Cases - Use Case Diagrams

What is normally the diagram kind of a use case diagram?

The diagram header <kind> is usually pkg, though other namespace containers are possible, e.g., class and component.

The Subject or System boundary is usually a....?

The Subject or system boundary is usually a class representing the entire system or a UML component representing a subsystem.

More than one Subject can be shown in the same diagram.

What is true about Use Cases offered by more than one Subject?

Use Cases offered by more than one Subject are repeated in each Subject as necessary.
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When do we often create a seperate diagram in the same package?

If a complicated Actor hierarchy is involved, especially if you are displaying properties for the Actors, a separate diagram in the same package is often created.

If a class or component is the <kind> of diagram, and no Subject is depicted, we usually assume that ........... is the Subject

If a class or component is the <kind> of diagram, and no Subject is depicted, we usually assume that the diagram element is the Subject

If the Use Case diagram is shown in a Class, we typically assume that the Subject is ......

if the Use Case diagram is shown in a Class, we typically assume that the Subject is the Class

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