Transitions - Ongoing Behavior - Implicit Behavior

5 important questions on Transitions - Ongoing Behavior - Implicit Behavior

One type of behavior common within a state is...?

..... is active waiting as an ongoing step in the process

How can we identify an Active Waiting?

We can usually identify this situation by naming the state with the name of the ongoing behavior.

Such states are typically named, as “Waiting,” “Cruising,” or “Illuminating.”

They are usually named with the gerund form of the verb (ending in “ing”) or in some similar manner

How can an Active waiting transition to another state?

Such states can transition to another state by :
  • either receiving an incoming event that triggers a transition
  • or by finishing their behavior(s).
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What is an Completion Event and a Completion Transition?

When a transition is sensitive to the completion of the ongoing behavior, the transition arrow does not have a triggering event listed, though a guard condition and effect may still appear.

This implied trigger is an example of a COMPLETION EVENT, an event capable of triggering a transition
without an explicit event on the transition.

We call these transitions COMPLETION TRANSITIONS, though they are often referred to as AUTOMATIC TRANSITIONS as they appear to start without an event.

What is a Completion Event?

an event capable of triggering a transition without an explicit event on the transition.

There can be many completion transitions from the same state if they each have different guard conditions. If more than one guard evaluates to true, it is unpredictable which transition would be taken and the diagram is considered ill-formed.

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