What is UML? - Modeling - Purposes for UML Modeling

6 important questions on What is UML? - Modeling - Purposes for UML Modeling

Analysis, Design, Implementation, and Communication. Each of these purposes has...

different types of modeling that might support that purpose.

On a typical project, only some of these modeling types will be necessary, and they might have different formal definitions.

However, you should know the general information on the types and purposes of modeling

Key purpose: Analysis

What are the Types of Supportive Modeling?

  • Domain Analysis
  • Use Case Analysis
  • Requirements Analysis

Key purpose: Design

What are the Types of Supportive Modeling?

  • Conceptualization
  • Architecture
  • Detailed design
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Key purpose: Implementation

What are the Types of Supportive Modeling?

  • Implementation by Hand
  • Automatic code generation
  • Simulation/execution
  • Reverse engineering
  • Roundtrip modeling
  • Debugging

Key purpose: Communication

What are the Types of Supportive Modeling?

  • To humans
  • to other tools

When using these different types of models on a project, consider ....

When using these different types of models on a project, consider that the models need to share common elements and definitions.

The underlying model database will help to enforce this for you.

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