Objects and Classes - Finding Objects and Classes - Operations

4 important questions on Objects and Classes - Finding Objects and Classes - Operations

What is not an active class?

As a Book is not an active class, that is, it does not do anything by itself, we need to look at behaviors that people or other active classes can do to the Book

What is a possible list of behaviors?

  • Checkout()
  • reserve()
  • accession()
  • checkout()
  • reserve()
  • accession()
  • return()
  • cancel()
  • reserve()
  • deaccession()

Operations are usually depicted beginning with a ....?

Operations are usually depicted beginning with a lower-case letter and a trailing “().”
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In UML, if we want to show that nothing is returned, we don’t put any...?

In UML, if we want to show that nothing is returned, we don’t put any “:<Type>” after the operation definition (for example, no null type).

Though not part of UML because it would be programing language dependent, it is often possible to add type modifiers related to pointers, such as “*” and “&,” depending on the tool.

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