What is UML? - What does UML Stand for? - How is UML a Unified Modeling Language?

3 important questions on What is UML? - What does UML Stand for? - How is UML a Unified Modeling Language?

To get the widest possible input, the Three Amigos made some decisions that have held throughout the development of UML. What were these decisions?

  • Change from many methods to a Unified Modeling Language. Thus, UML is a language but not a method or methodology. UML works with any approach and in any industry.

  • Make UML nonproprietary. Thus, no company owns UML. Any vendor can make a UML modeling tool.

  • Propose UML to the Object Management Group (OMG) as a possible standard. .

  • Work with a team, the UML Partners.

UML benefits from using the Class Diagrams and most notations from..


The ability to capture design detail from ...

The Booch Method

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