Depth from images

10 important questions on Depth from images

What is the ambiguity we face when we apply backpropagation?

We do not know under which depth a point in 2 dimensional image coordinates resides in the 3 dimensional world coordinate space.

What is the principal axis of a camera 3D coordinate space?

The straight line forward that the camera center is looking to.

What is triangulation (in the context om 3D vision)?

Calculate/Derive a 3D world coordinate point from a projection of an identified point in 2D camera coordinate of multiple viewpoints.
Deducing the depth of a point of interest in 3D world coordinate space based on multiple 2D image coordinate space occurrences in different images under different viewpoints at a given moment in time.
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What is stereo vision?

Depth-aware image generation.

How to achieve stereo vision?

Having multiple cameras with a different viewpoint to be able to triangulate points in 3D world space with the multiple 2D projection points. In addition it requires correct identification of points on the projection.

Why does stereo vision obtain better results for textured areas?

Points across views can be matched easier due to more availability of key points

What is a key point and its use in image triangulation?

It is a recognizeable point in an image projections that therefore makes it suitable to be used a reference point to identify with and relate against. This allows to deduce the depth reliably.

What is a common challenge of multiple view stereo?

The images provided have unknown intrinsic and extrinsic parameters. And they all have to be calibrated simultaneously without prior knowledge on the parameters.

Shape form motion

Deriving 3 dimensional shape from a video

How does shape from shading work?

Obtaining information 3 dimensional shapes from the shadows they project, how shadows are projected upon them, and how they reflect light. In other words, deriving shape from varying lighting conditions.

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