
8 important questions on Radiometry

What is camera radiometry about?

The color when a 3D object is projected on a 2D image.

What are the causes of vignetting when capturing an image?

Pixels on the camera CMOS/CCD sensor receiving less light at outer edges either due to large angle or camera lens system construction.

What is chromatic aberation?

Light-rays with slightly different wavelengths having slightly different refraction indices.
In other words, colors emitted at a singular place end up at different pixels on the light sensor due to different refraction in the camera lenses.
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How does chromatic aberation occur in the capturing of an image and how to resolve this?

The lenses used in the camera causes light-rays of different wavelengths to refract in different angles, causing these different colors to end up at different offsets in the light sensor.
To solve this, the chromatic aberation must be compensated with compound lenses, which means introducing more lenses to compensate for the initiated refraction by other lenses.

What is radial distortion?

The retraction or extension of an image, in such that the perspective projection is becoming non-linear.

What are the two types of radial distortion?

Barrel distortion and pincushion distortion.
Barrel distortion is also called fish-eye lens.
Pincushion distortion apparently doesn't have such a catchy/well-known description. However, this might be somewhat apparent, since the barrel distortion is a well-known distortion due to its occurence in wide-angle lenses.

What is motion blur?

A blurring effect on a captured image due to movement being captured.

How does (noticeable) motion blur occur in image capturing?

The exposure time is too large in consideration to the speed of a moving object that is being captured.

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