Image classification and object detection

8 important questions on Image classification and object detection

How does image classification differ to image segmentation?

Image classification labels an image, in contrast to image segmentation that labels every pixel in an image.

What are the five common vision tasks that are applied to the organisation of images with automated learning?

  • Image classification
  • Image classification and localization
  • Object detection
  • Semantic segmentation
  • Instance segmentation

What is a bounding box and how is it used in the context of object localization?

A rectangular shape to localize objects in an image.
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Why is a rectangle a suitable shape to use for object localization in images?

It is easy to compute, store, and most objects can be captured with a more-or-less rectangular area.

What are the three relevant elements for the overall recipe of object detection?

The scale, position, and classifier score

What is the difference between the sliding window approach and the image pyramid

Sliding window approach keeps for every sub-result its image size fixed as it iterates over the image, image pyramid keeps for every sub-result its window size fixed as it changes the image size and resolution.

Which object detection approach uses patterns such as HOG and edge detection to value regions of the image on similarity?

Template matching

How does template matching measure similarity between regions of images?


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