Camera Geometry

5 important questions on Camera Geometry

What do the intrinsic parameters of a camera matrix consist of?

Focal length, the distance to the (virtual) image plane.
  • In horizontal direction
  • In vertical direction
Translation to put origin in upper-left corner.
  • In horizontal direction
  • In vertical direction

Why do we need homogeneous coordinates in the intrinsic part of the camera matrix?

Scaling affects the translation which we do not want. Homogenous matrix counters this.

What changes in the resulting image when we increase the focal length of the intrinsic parameters in our camera matrix?

An increase in focal length results into zooming in.
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What are homogeneous coordinates?

Four dimensional coordinates, a three dimensional representation of a position and a fourth and a dimension to represent scaling.

Why do we use a checkerboard for calibration?

Crossing occur in the same plane, dark and light easy to distinguish (compute?), no deformations in pattern, many crossings.

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