Performance measures for image classification

4 important questions on Performance measures for image classification

What is a single-value performance measure?

A description of a single value how well a classifier performs in classifying .

Name three single-value measures and how they work

  1. F-score: Harmonic mean of precision and recall (2PR)/(P+R)
  2. Receiver-Operating Characteristic (ROC), R vs P (x vs y) (curve based)
  3. Fix precision or recall at a certain value (curve based)

What is the accuracy in classification?

Correctly guessed instances (correct labeling of the instances) divided by the total number of instances.
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How is the accuracy measure short-sided in describing the quality of a binary classifier? Give two

  1. Skewness in class distribution causes the accuracy to describe dominantly about the most prevalent (majority) class(es)
  2. Some misclassification may be worse than others, yet cannot be capsulated in this measure.

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