Volume reconstruction

9 important questions on Volume reconstruction

Why use a lookup-table for voxel reconstruction?

As we iteratively check occlusion of any respective voxel, we can directly retrieve related pixel on image projection for evaluation.
This is fast in comparison to recomputing where voxel will be projected in 2d image plane

The voxel model is conservative, what does this mean?

Absence of pixels of silhouette in one view results in absence of voxel reconstruction
Spurious pixels in one silhouette of a view does not imply these to be present in voxel reconstruction

What is noise in voxel reconstruction?

Missing voxels and spurious voxels
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What is 1D dilation in voxel reconstruction post-processing?

Checking a single row or voxel data (can be in any direction) for occuring holes and fill them if applicable

What is voxel occlusion?

Voxels invisible from a certain view/perspective due to being blocked by other voxels in front (with a lower depth)

Why cannot we model concaveties with silhouette-based voxel reconstruction?

Silhouettes cannot capture dents and instead will intersect the whole volume containing the dents

Why do we require good silhouette, thus good background subtraction, for voxel reconstruction to be successfull?

The silhouettes define the volumes we use for volume intersection.
If the silhouettes are incorrect so will the volumes be.

What can we use the Marching Cubes algorithm for?

To convert a voxel model to a polygon model

How does the Marching Cubes algorithm work?

Replacing every spatial area with any of the pre-defined 15 cube configurations, depending on the occurrence of a point on any of the 8 corners of a cubical area.

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