Mathematical modelling with integers

6 important questions on Mathematical modelling with integers

Give the if then constaint considering
  • f(x) =< 0 and g(x) =< 0
  • f(x) >= 0 and g(x) >= 0 

f(x) =< 0 and g(x) =< 0
-g(x) >= My
f(x) >= M(1-y)

f(x) >= 0 and g(x) >= 0 
-g(x) =< My
f(x) =< M(1-y)

Give the either or constraint considering f(x) and g(x)

F(x) =< My
g(x) =< M(1-y)

What is the LP relaxation fo an ILP model?

Omitting all integrality restrictions.
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What are shadow prices?

Change of the optimal solution by changing a RHS constraint by 1 unit.

Give the definition of a covering constraint

X2 + X3 + X5 >= 1

Give the definition fo a partitioning constraint

Sum Xi = 1

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